Self-Love on Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentine’s Day! To be honest I’m not one to get SOO into this holiday. My worst nightmare is going out to an over-crowded restaurant for dinner on Valentine’s day – I prefer to just go out another night if we want to celebrate. Much more ideal is staying home and ordering in or cooking together. Josh and I don’t splurge on gifts for this holiday either – we just exchange cards and sometime’s he’ll bring me flowers.
I wanted to share my personalized version of how I celebrate Valentine’s Day. I take this holiday as a day for self-love. I am sometimes (too often actually) very hard on myself. Just like any other normal human in this world negative thoughts creep into my head about myself such as “I never look ‘put together’, I didn’t eat well enough today, I am gaining too much weight with this pregnancy, I am too introverted lately…” These are thoughts I’m trying to let go of and instead just LOVE myself for who I am. Today I ask that each and every one of you just LOVE YOURSELF!
Here’s how I showed myself self-love today: I had a day of self-care and also only did things that I TRULY love to do and enjoy doing. I said NO to anything I wasn’t feeling. I woke up to no alarm (how great is that) and headed to a Flywheel class. After Flywheel I came home and made myself a pretty pink smoothie bowl packed with nourishing whole foods – I listened to my body and a smoothie was what it was craving. I drove Emma to school and had a little chat with her on the way about how much I love her. I then got a manicure and pedicure – so needed! After my mani/pedi I got an AMAZING massage (best massage of my life actually). For my local people – I highly recommend Nancy at Boca Spine and Sport. I had a prenatal massage, but she’s amazing for any type of massage your body needs! After my massage I picked up Emma from school (she literally makes me so happy because she always shows me so much love). We cuddled on the couch and watched her favorite show and then I put her down for a nap. Now I’m snuggled up with a blanket on my couch writing this post. My blog is something I’m so proud of and love putting my time into. After I publish this I’ll do a face mask (love Cocokind Face Mask) and then spend the rest of the afternoon with Emma, followed by a low-key evening at home with Josh.
Not only did I show myself self-love today, but I was truly just feeling so much LOVE. I think it was my attitude from the start of the day that set the tone for a light and positive day. Also, as I snuggled with Emma on the couch I felt an immense amount of love wash over me. She was holding my hand and laying on me and at the same time the little life inside my belly started kicking and at that moment I realized I had it all.
I don’t normally write posts like this, but I wanted to share these feelings with you. I hope you all have a wonderful day! xo