Sunday Things… 2.25.18
Good morning friends! I’m currently snuggled up on my couch browsing the internet and reading some of my favorite blogs. Josh and Emma are still sleeping and not to sound cliche, but I saw the sunrise and hear the birds chirping – a picturesque Sunday morning 🙂 I’m enjoying these last few minutes of peace and quiet before Emma wakes up and wants me to play with her trains with her for hours – trains are literally her obsession right now!
This weekend was filled with fun activities, but now I’m ready for a slower Sunday. Friday night we went to True Food Kitchen, which just opened in Boca 5 minutes from my house. It’s my new obsession and I’ll definitely be dining there weekly – I think I’m taking my mom there for brunch today actually. You know you really love a restaurant when you go twice in one weekend! Yesterday I had my best friend’s baby shower. She’s due 3 days after me, so it’s really exciting to share this special time in our lives with one another. Last night I had dinner with my grandparents who are in town this week as well as with my aunt and uncle. Today I plan on food shopping (wish there was a Sunday farmer’s market near me – we only have one on Saturdays). I would also love to get some things organized around the house (nesting is fully kicking in since this baby is arriving in 3 months)!
Have a fabulous Sunday and enjoy my favorite finds from this week:
These 3 healthy spreads are are so beautiful (and I’m sure delicious)
These creamy carrot noodles with cashew alfredo are calling my name!
Ojai is at the top of my travel destinations list – loving this guide!
These are my favorite sneakers (and such a pretty color!
I just ordered this denim jacket – will definitely need it for nighttime in California next week!
I’m also obsessed with this vegan leather jacket.
I’ve been searching for the perfect pair of gold hoop earrings and finally found them!
The CUTEST jumpsuit ever – need it for summer (plus I won’t be pregnant anymore)!
The BEST pregnancy shirt ever!
Check out my favorite finds from around the internet this week! 2.25.18Click To Tweet