Sunday Things + Happy Father’s Day!

Fathers Day Leahs Plate - Sunday Things + Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father’s Day to all the daddy’s out there!! Unfortunately I won’t be able to see my dad today because he lives in California, so that is really sad for me 🙁  However, this is my husband’s first year being a daddy, so I’m really excited to celebrate the wonderful husband and father he is. Watching the way my husband is with my daughter makes me fall more in love with him every day. I never could have imagined he’d be such a great dad! When he comes home from work she literally starts squealing with joy and kicking her legs and it melts my heart to watch! I love the cute little family we created together and try to treasure all these precious moments of being parents and watching our daughter grow before our eyes.

Happy Father's Day to all the amazing daddy's out there! Share on X

What is everyone doing for Father’s Day today? I’m about to make my husband breakfast in bed – some yummy pancakes!! Later today we’re going to lunch with my in-laws and then just hanging around the house. I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday! Below are my favorite finds from around the internet this week:

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Resolve728x90 - Sunday Things + Happy Father's Day!

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  1. One of the best parts about starting a family is watching your husband become a daddy! Especially to a sweet baby girl! I loved watching my tough hubby turn to mush at the sight of our daughter! 🙂 She’s STILL a daddy’s girl 5 years later! Hope you had an amazing day!

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